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-:♠:-Kerala PSC Study Material - 2015-:♠:-IBPS Practice Tests

Kerala PSC Expected Questions for Secretariat Assistant History - 6

Kerala PSC Expected Questions for Secretariat Assistant History - 6

QNo. 1 - The ruler known as 'Second Ashoka'
[A] Harsha[B] Chandragupta II
[C] Kanishka[D] Krishnadeva Raya

QNo. 2 - The Buddhist lawyer and philosopher who lived during the time of Kanishka
[A] Nagarjuna[B] Charaka
[C] Bhavabhuti[D] Panini

QNo. 3 - The author of 'Buddhacharitham'
[A] Aswagosha[B] Kalidasa
[C] Banabhatta[D] Sudraka

QNo. 4 - The court Physician of Kanishka
[A] Sudraka[B] Charaka
[C] Megasthenese[D] Vasumithra

QNo. 5 - Gandhara School of Art developed during the reign of
[A] Kanishka[B] Ashoka
[C] Bindusara[D] Samudragupta

QNo. 6 - Panini, a famous personality of ancient India was
[A] an astronomer[B] a grammarian
[C] a mathematician[D] a physician

QNo. 7 - According to Buddha, we can get rid of Life's sorrows only by
[A] practicing severe penance[B] climinating all desires
[C] performing yajnas[D] following rituals

QNo. 8 - The Non-Co operation Movement was suspended by Gandhiji in 1922 because
[A] the Muslims started attacking the Hindus in Malabar[B] the movement showed signs of decay
[C] a mob burnt alive some policemen at Chauri Chaura[D] He was frightened by government repression

QNo. 9 - The Champaran Satyagraha was started by Gandhiji in the year
[A] 1915[B] 1917
[C] 1919[D] 1930

QNo. 10 - Who started the  'Sudhi Movement' (to convert the Non Hindus to Hinduism)?
[A] Dayananda Saraswathy[B] Bipin Chandra Pal
[C] Vivekananda[D] Ramakrishna Paramahamsa

QNo. 11 - The founder of Aligarh Muslim University
[A] Maulana Azad[B] Syed Ahmed Khan
[C] Badruddin Tyabji[D] Nawab Abdul Lathif

QNo. 12 - 'Do or die' was the slogan which Gandhiji gave during the
[A] Quit India Movement[B] Non Co-operation Movement
[C] Khilafat Movement[D] Civil Disobedience Movement

QNo. 13 - The Indian Independence League was set up by
[A] Aruna Asaf Ali[B] Rash Behari Bose
[C] Jayaprakash Narayan[D] SM Joshi

QNo. 14 - The All India Muslim League was formed in 1906 at
[A] Aligarh[B] Dacca
[C] Delhi[D] Lucknow

QNo. 15 - Who out of the following was not a Moderate?
[A] Gopala Krishna Gokhale[B] Dadabhai Naoroji
[C] Feroz Shah Mehta[D] Bal Gangadhar Tilak

QNo. 16 - Who imposed restrictions on the Vernacular Press in India?
[A] Lord Curzon[B] Lord Ripon
[C] Lord Minto[D] Lord Montague

QNo. 17 - Who is associated with the founding of Indian National Congress in 1885?
[A] AO Hume[B] Gandhiji
[C] Bhagat Singh[D] Gokhale

QNo. 18 - The Viceroy of India at the time of the founding of Indian National Congress
[A] Lord Curzon[B] Lord Dufferin
[C] Lord Minto[D] Lord Montague

QNo. 19 - The Viceroy who is associated with the appointment of the Public Service Commission in 1886?
[A] Lord Ripon[B] Lord Lytton
[C] Lord Hardinge[D] Lord Dufferin

QNo. 20 - The Viceroy who became unpopular in India due to the Partition of Bengal.
[A] Lord Curzon[B] Lord Morley
[C] Lord Irwin[D] Lord Mayo

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