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Block Panchayat Secretary Expected Questions 2015 - Geography Part I

Block Panchayat Secretary Expected Questions 2015 - Geography Part I

1. In which hemisphere Indi locates?

2. The latitudinal and Longitudinal extend of India is some what equal. It is about

3. The total are of India is estimated to

4. How many km is there from north of India to south?

5. Which is the souther-most point of India mainland?

6. Which is the southern-most tip of India?

7. Where is the Gulf of Mannar locates?

8. Where is the Gulf of Khambhat locates?

9. The strait that separates India and Srilanka.

10. Which is the important latitude tht passes through India?

11. Which is the southern-most state of India?

12. Which is the eastern most state of India?

13. Which State in Indi has longest coastline?

14. Which is the eastern most point of India?

15. Which is the coldest place in India?

16. Which is the highest mountin peak in India?

17. Which is the highest Himalayan peak in India?

18. Which is the largest delta in India

19. Which is the largest district in India?

20. Which is the largest glacier in India?

21. In which mountain in India the Siachen Glacier locates?

22. Which is the largest physio graphic division of India?

23. Which is the largest state of India?

24. Which is the largest Union Terriroty of India?

25. Which is the smallest district?

26. Which is the smallest state in India?

27. Which is the smallest union territory in India?

28. Which is the wettest place in India?

29. State with least number of districts in India

30. State with Maximum Number of Districts in India

31. What is another name of Mt. Everest?

32. In which mountain range the Godwin Austin locates?

33. In which Himalayan range the Nanga Parbat locates?

34. Which is the oldest mountain range of India?

35. What is the term used to indicate the natural gaps in the mountain range?

36. In which Indian state the Karakorum Pass locates?

37. In which Indian state the shipkila Pass situates?

39. Name the mountain pass tht locates at Arunachal Pradesh?

40. Name the mountain pass that connects Pakistan nd Afghanistan?

41. In which Himalayamn range the hill stations like Mussourie and Shimla are located?

42. Name the landforms with long and broad valleys, which are found at the Siwalik range?

43. Name the Himalayam region lies between the river Indus and the river Sutlej?

44. Name the Himalayan region lies between the river Sutlej and the river Kali?

45. Where is the location of the hill Patkai?

46. Which is the mountain tht located north of the Deccn Plateau extending to 1050 km north-east?

47. Which is the mountain range that starting from the Tapti river in the North to Kanyakumari in the south?

48. In which mountain range Mahendragiri locates?

49. Which hill station in India is known as 'Valley of Gods'?

50. In which hill sttion in India the three rivers like Mudrapuzha, Nallathanni and Kundala converge together?

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