1. The names of Mascots for 2016 Rio Olympic games and Paralympics Games are _____ and ______
2. Which state has set up a fenced forested elephant sanctuary?
3. "World Zoonoses Day" observed on
4. Which department of Kerala Launched 'Laharivimuktha Keralam Project'?
5. Which country ranks first in terms of per capita emission of carbon dioxide?
6. With the assistance of which body the National Cyclone Risk Mitigation Project was launched in India?
7. From which Constituency Sumitra Mahajan was elected to the 16th Lok Sabha?
8. World's busiest airport for International Traffic
9. Who has been appointed as the new chairman of Sangeet Natak Academy?
10. Mayuresh Pawar of Maharashtra team died on the 2nd day of 35th National Games. He is associated with which sport?
11. International Yoga day is celebrated all over the world on
12. "Greater than Bradman" a famous book related to the life story of Sachin Tendulkar written by
13. Which state has won the Renji Trophy Cricket Cup in 2015?
14. How many medals were won by Services Sports Control Board in 35th National Games?
15. Who authorised "Courage and Conviction" - An Autobiography?
16. The first state in India to launch a Health Adalat?
17. India successfully test fired BrahMos Cruise Missile. What is its range?
18. The nonprofit organization of Pakistan that got Magsaysay Award in 2014?
19. The first e-governance Municipality in Kerala?
20. Who became the first Indian Cricketer to score a century against Pakistan in the ICC World Cup?
21. In which city the first double decker fly over of India was inaugurated?
22. Which university has topped in "Times World's Reputation Rankings 2015"?
23. The union Ministry of water resources has decided to celebrate the year 2015-16 as
24. Which committee appointed to probe the solar panel scam in Kerala?
25. The Asian city where the first municipal election were held in 60 years in 2014 December?
26. Which committee recommended new criterion for determining poverty line?
27. Union Ministry for communications and Information Technology released the commemorative postage stamps on the theme of____?
28. To which sports Sebsatian Vettel is related?
29. Who was elected as General Secretary of Indian Olympic Association in 2014?
30. Home may sub groups of Chief Minister had been constituted within NITI Aayog?
31. The political party of Pawan Kumar Chamling who became the chief Minister of Sikkim for the 5th term.
32. The theme of National Science Day 2015 is
33. World's largest and tallest Indian Flag has been unfurled at which place in India?
34. Surya Kiran is a combined military training exercise between Indian and _____
35. Who is the author of the Book "India Shastra : Reflections on the Nation in our time"?
36. The Indira Paryaavaran Bhavan" India's first Net Zero Energy building is located in which city?
37. The number of seats won by United Progressive Alliance in 2014 General Election?
38. Who was appointed as the chairman of Kerala Lalith Kala Academy?
39. The former Deputy Prime Minister of India who was conferred Padmavibhushan in 2015?
40. The Hero Indian Open tournament is related to which sports?