(i) Eight persons Z, Y, X, W, V, U, T and S work in three different parliaments 3, 2 and 1.
(ii) There are two girls who work in different parliaments and their specialisation is also different.
(iii) Two of them have specialisation in 6, another two have specialisation in 8, two have specialisation in 13, one is specialist of 5 and one of them is specialist of 18.
(iv) W is a specialist of 8 and working in parliament 3 while her friend T is a specialist of 6 and working in parliament 2.
(v) S is specialist of 8 who works with Y who is specialist of 13 but does not work in parliament 2.
(vi) The two persons with same specialisation do not work together.
(vii) U, specialist of 13, works in parliament 3 and his friend Z, specialist of 6 works in parliament 3 with two different specialists.
(viii) Not more than three persons work in any parliament.vv
(ix) X is a specialist of 5 and his sister works in parliament 1.
(x) No girl is specialist of 5 and 13.
Q.1. In which two parliaments do the specialists of 8 work?
(1) 3 and 2
(2) 2 and 1
(3) 3 and 1
(4) Data inadequate
(5) None of these
Q.2. Who is specialist of 18?
(1) X
(2) V
(3) S
(4) Data inadequate
(5) None of these
Q.3. The two girls are-
(1) Y and W
(2) W and S
(3) W and T
(4) Either 1 or 3
(5) Data inadequate
Q.4. What is the specialisation of S?
(1) 13
(2) 6
(3) 18
(4) 5
(5) None of these
Q.5. In which parliament does X work?
(1) 2
(2) 1
(3) 3
(4) Either 1 or 3
(5) None of these
Q.6-10. Read the following information carefully and answer the questions given below.
If ‘Z + Y’ means ‘Z is the father of Y’ .
If ‘Z & Y’ means ‘Z is the sister of Y’.
If ‘Z $ Y’ means ‘Z is the wife of Y’.
If ‘Z % Y’ means ‘Z is the mother of Y’.
If ‘Z / Y’ means ‘Z is son of Y’.
Q.6. What should come in place of the question mark, to establish that 10 is the brother of 20 in the expression?
10 / 16 % 8 (?) 20 % L
(1) &
(2) /
(3) $
(4) Either + or /
(5) Either / or &
Q.7. Which among the given expressions indicates that 13 is the daughter of 4?
(1) 12 % 18 $ 4 + 20 & 13
(2) 12 + 18 $ 4 + 13 & 20
(3) 12 % 18 % 4 + 20 / 13
(4) 4 + 12 $ 18 + 13 & 20
(5) 12 $ 4 / 18 % 13 / 20
Q.8. Which among the following options is true, if the expression 9 + 20 % 10 & 12 / 11 is definitely true?
(1) 12 is the daughter of 20.
(2) 11 is the son-in-law of 9.
(3) 9 is the grandmother of 12.
(4) 20 is the father of 10.
(5) 10 is the brother of 12.
Q.9. Which among the following expressions is true, if 25 is the son of 24 is definitely false?
(1) 23 % 12 & 20 & 25 / 24
(2) 23 + 12 & 20 & 25 + 24
(3) 24 + 12 & 20 & 25 / 23
(4) 23 $ 24 + 12 + 25 + 20
(5) 23 % 24 + 20 & 25 / 12
Q.10. What should come in place of the question mark, to establish that 20 is the sister-in-law of 17 in the expression?
18 % 20 & 16 (?) 17 & 22
(1) /
(2) %
(3) &
(4) $
(5) Either $ or &