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Vocabulary Words - 6

Vocabulary Words - 6

1. QUANDARY (NOUN): delicate situation

Synonyms: dilemma, impasse Antonyms: good fortunate, solution
Example Sentence:
The school administration was in a quandary over the needful size of an "open-air playground."

2. DISPORT (NOUN): form of entertainment

Synonyms: play, amusement Antonyms: boredom
Example Sentence:
At that season the males assemble, in numbers varying from twelve to twenty, on certain trees, and there disport themselves, so as to display their magnificent plumes in presence of the females.


Synonyms: insurmountable, impossible Antonyms: ignore, neglect
Example Sentence:
Charles is a foolish dreamer who comes up with insuperable plans that he never achieves. ­­

4. BOMBINATE (VERB): make droning sound

Synonyms: reverberate, hum Antonyms: silence
Example Sentence:
Sometimes, my computer bombinates very late at night, stops for a bit of rest, then resumes its hum at the early hours of the morning.

5. MIASMA (NOUN): effluvium

Synonyms: fumes, odor Antonyms: perfume, sweetness
Example Sentence:
These days, we sit for hours in Bangalore's heavy traffic and inhale a miasma of toxic gases; I think this is worse than smoking a cigarette.


Synonyms: democratic, equitable Antonyms: unequal, partial
Example Sentence:
People often lose interest in egalitarian measures when such measures do not directly benefit them.

7. STYMIE (VERB): frustrate, hinder

Synonyms: impede, obstruct Antonyms: support, forward
Example Sentence:
In my effort to become successful in my career, I was stymied by my boss who always took credit for all the good things and put the blame on me for mistakes.

8. PETTISH (ADJECTIVE): very angry; in a bad mood

Synonyms: annoyed, vexed Antonyms: cheerful, pleasant
Example Sentence:
"For the last month or six weeks he has scarcely spoken to me but in the unmistakable language of a pettish anger.

9. MALAISE (NOUN): depression, sickness

Synonyms: despair, anxiety Antonyms: pleasure, calmness
Example Sentence:
When she woke up, she felt malaise and dizziness that would not go away.

10. SUPERCILIOUS (ADJECTIVE) : arrogant, stuck-up

Synonyms: bossy, egotistic Antonyms: humble, modest
Example Sentence:
The supercilious salesman treated the couple like peasants until they opened the suitcase filled with the dollar bills.

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