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Daily Quiz - 02 Jul 2015

Daily Quiz - 02 Jul 2015

Q 636. Who has been selected for G D Birla Award for Scientific Research -2014?

A. Prof. Sanjeev Galande
B. Prof. R K Singh
C. Prof. V P Sinha
D. Prof. Sanjay Kumar

ANSWER: A. Prof. Sanjeev Galande

Prof. Sanjeev Galande of Indian Institute of Science Education and Research, Pune has been selected for G D Birla Award for Scientific Research -2014. Mr. Galande has been selected for his significant contribution in the area of Epigenetics and Molecular Cell Biology.

Q 637. Which country becomes first developed nation to default on International Monetary Fund debt?

A. Denver
B. Greece
C. United States
D. Cuba

ANSWER: B. Greece

Greece has defaulted on a 1.7 billion dollar payment to the International Monetary Fund becoming the first developed nation to do so. The deadline was missed by Athens hours after Eurozone Finance Ministers refused to extend its bailout. Greece is now formally in arrears, and there are fears that this could put Greece at risk of leaving the Euro.

Q 638. Name the country to become the largest shareholder in Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank?

A. Japan
B. Australia
C. China
D. India

ANSWER: C. China

China being the largest shareholder at 30.34 per cent and it has retained 26.06 per cent of the voting rights. With Japan, the other large Asian economy besides China, opting out of the Bank's membership, India is its second largest shareholder with a stake of 8.52 per cent and voting share of 7.5 per cent.

Q 639. Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank is seen as a rival to the ______.

A. Federal Bank
B. Reserve Bank of India
C. Industrial & Commercial Bank of China Limited
D. World Bank

ANSWER: D. World Bank

AIIB will have authorised capital of 100 billion US Dollars, and Asian countries will contribute up to 75 per cent of the total capital. Each member will be allocated a share of the quota based on their Economic size and not contribution to the Bank's authorised capital. AIIB is expected to go into operation later this year.

Q 640. Under which scheme, Digital ‘Guddi-Gudda Board’ innovated by Jalgaon District of Maharashtara has been adopted as a Best Practice by the Union Ministry of Women and Child Development on the occasion of Digital India Week being observed from 1st July to 7th July’15?

A. Beti Bachao Beti Padhao
B. Jan Dhan Yojana
C. Sukanya Vidyadhan Yojanav D. Digital India

ANSWER: A. Beti Bachao Beti Padhao

The digital Board has been popularized in the district of Jalgaon, Maharashtra and works as a platform for dissemination of IEC Material on BBBP as well as updating monthly birth statistics.

Q 641. Who has been appointed as Secretary of Ministry of Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises on 1st July’15?

A. Dr Anup K Pujari
B. Madhav Lal
C. Anup Kumar
D. Dr Rishish Singhal

ANSWER: A. Dr Anup K Pujari

Before joining the Ministry of MSME, Dr. Pujari was holding the charge of Secretary, Mines. Dr Anup K Pujari IAS (KN 80) joined as Secretary MSME here on 1st July’15. He succeeds Shri Madhav Lal who superannuated on June, 30 2015.

Q 642. As announced by the World Health Organisation on 30th June’15, which country has become the first country in the world to stamp out transmission of HIV and syphilis from a mother to her child?

A. France
B. India
C. Cuba
D. Switzerland


WHO defines “elimination” of transmission as “reduction of transmission to such a low level that it no longer constitutes a public health problem.” A panel of international health experts visited Cuba in March and concluded that the country met the standards required for validation. In 2013, only two babies were born with HIV and five with congenital syphilis.

Q 643. Name the person known for developing SMS through mobile communication who passed away in June’15?

A. Martin Cooper
B. Joel S Engel
C. VA Shiva Ayyadurai
D. Matti Makkonen

ANSWER: D. Matti Makkonen

Matti Makkonen was a Finnish engineer in the field of mobile communications. He became famous as the father of SMS after developing the idea of sending messages via mobile networks.

Q 644. What is the speed of 5G (Fifth Generation) standard for mobile networking as defined by International Telecommunication Union during June’15?

A. 12Gbps
B. 15Gbps
C. 20Gbps
D. 30Gbps

ANSWER: C. 20Gbps

The International Telecommunication Union (ITU) defined the speed of 5G (Fifth Generation) standard for mobile networking as 20 Gigabits per second (Gbps). A decision was taken in this regard at an ITU conference on 5G standard held at San Diego in California of USA between 10 June and 18 June 2015.

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