Q.1-10. Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions given below it. Certain words have been printed in bold (blue) to help you locate them while answering some questions.
One moment, my computer screen was abuzz with a lively wallpaper and superfast download taking place. The next minute, it went blank. My PC crashed. But how was this possible? I had installed one of the best anti-virus softwares on the system. After all, all my music, films, and the best of wallpapers were gone! After the panic subsided. I realised not all was lost. The crash had happened once before too and I had learnt a valuable lesson, I had copied some films and music on to CDs. But the new movies and music that I had downloaded since then were gone. I felt the loss sorely. And then a thought came to me. Imagine if all our memories, saved for years upon years in our heads, blanked out one fine day! Say, if a virus like an accident or trauma washed away our good and not-so-good memories. Wouldn't we turn into zombies, left with a body without an identity? I wonder what life must be like for those suffering from Alzheimer's disease. I have read and seen on television shows how sometimes memory lost in a traumatic incident can come back. But what if it did not come back? What if the 'waiting' never ended? The person's loved ones would be reduced to strangers. For those relationships are alive only on the strength of shared memories.Is there any way to insure our memories? If only we could make a 'copy' of these human memories to keep them safe! I wish, just like in the world of Harry Potter, memories could be extracted with a magical wand and put into a basin called Pensieve, to be reviewed at leisure. But back in the world of muggles, keeping a diary is a good way of making a 'copy' of our memories. Perhaps if our memory ever left us, we could open our diaries and read in our own handwriting of our daily heartbreaks, routine chores, breaking news or a treasured achievement.
Q.1. What happened one fine day with the author ?
(1) He realized that all his data was lost.
(2) He was in the state of panic as he did not save any data on the computer.
(3) One of the best antivirus softwares of his system failed.
(4) The software of his PC crashed and the PC went blank.
(5) None of these
Q.2. What does the word Pensieve refer to in the passage ?
(1) Bringing back things to memory.
(2) An object from Harry potter.
(3) The idea of bringing back lost memory
(4) A diary
(5) None of these
Q.3. Which of the following is TRUE in context of the passage ?
(1) The author saved all data in CDs to prevent loss.
(2) The author had an effective antivirus in his computer system.
(3) Alzheimer’s disease turns us to zombies.
(4) The author maintained a diary for day to day activities.
(5) None of these.
Q.4. What does the word “zombies” refer to in context of the passage ?
(1) A person without life
(2) A body without identity
(3) A lifeless body
(4) All 1, 2, 3
(5) None of these
Q.5. What valuable lesson had the author learnt ?
(1) To save music files and other items in the computer
(2) Saving all the data on some other source so that it may be useful in future
(3) To buy some CDs and store music files.
(4) All 1, 2, 3
(5) None of these
Q.6. What do you mean by “ reduced to strangers “ ?
(1) Dressed as
(2) Become
(3) Disguised as
(4) Matched as
(5) None of these
Q.7. What did the author realize when the panic was less ?
(1) That the data was recovered
(2) That all the data was not lost
(3) He had data in the back up
(4) All 1, 2,3
(5) Only 2 and 3
Q.8. What had the author lost from the PC when it crashed ?
(1) All the music , films and wall papers.
(2) His favorite music videos
(3) New movies and music that he downloaded after the first crash.
(4) All 1, 2 and 3
(5) None of these.
Q.9-10.Choose the word which is most nearly the SAME is meaning as the word printed in bold as used in the passage.
Q.9. Subsided
(1) Decreased
(2) Sink
(3) Built
(4) Collapse
(5) Lose
Q.10. Blanked out
(1) Recalled
(2) Remembered
(3) Recollected
(4) Blown
(5) Lost
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