Q.1. Daisy wheel is a _______ printer
(1) Line
(2) Character
(3) Thermal
(4) Non Impact
(5) None of these
Q.2. Which of the following is a pointing device ?
(1) Light pen
(2) Mouse
(3) Track ball
(4) Joystick
(5) All
Q.3. The open, print and save buttons are all located on the _________.
(1) Status bar
(2) Formatting toolbar
(3) Standard Toolbar
(4) Title bar
(5) Status and title bar
Q.4. The display size of a monitor is measured in __________.
(1) Zig-Zag
(2) horizontally
(3) vertically
(4) from centre to the furthest corner
(5) diagonally
Q.5. For a computer to recognize and understand analog data, it must first be
(1) Sent to a mainframe for interpretation
(2) Analysed by the ALU of the CPU
(3) Decoded
(4) Analyzed for viruses
(5) Digitized
Q.6. External devices such as printers, keyboards and modems are known as ________.
(1) Add-on devices
(2) Peripherals
(3) Extra hardware devices
(4) PC expansion slot add -ons
(5) Special -buys
Q.7. Which type of software is distributed free but require the users to pay some amount for further use?
(1) Freeware
(2) Shareware
(3) Rentalware
(4) Public -domain software
(5) Abandonware
Q.8. In a word document to select a word, you click it ________.
(1) Once
(2) Twice
(3) Three times
(4) Four times
(5) None of these
Q.9. OCR stands for ________.
(1) Optical Coding Recognizer
(2) Osensibly Characterized Reader
(3) Original Code Reader
(4) Original character Reader
(5) Optical Character Recognition
Q.10. _________ is the process of carrying out commands.
(1) fetching
(2) storing
(3) executing
(4) decoding
(5) None of these