1. The idea of Fundamental Rights is taken from.
Ans. USA
2. Which part of the Constitution deals with the idea of Fundamental Rights
Ans. Part Third
3. Article 12-35 of the Indian constitution deals with
Ans. Fundamental Rights
4. Who is known as the Chief Architect of Fundamental Rights
Ans. Sardar Vallabai Patel
5. The Number of Fundamental rights constitution originally consists?
Ans. 7
6. How many fundamental rights does Constitution at present has?
Ans. 6
7. Name the Right which was originally mentioned in the category of Fundamental rights and later removed through an Amendment
Ans. Right to Property
8. By which Amendment, the right to property was removed from the list of Fundamental Rights
Ans. 44th Amendment 1978
9. Right to Property is now a
Ans. Legal Right
10. Right to property was removed by which Government
Ans. Janatha Government
11. Which Article provided Equality of opportunity of opportunity in matters of Public Employment?
Ans. Article 16
12. Which Article is known as 'Heart and soul' of Constitution
Ans. Article 32
13. Who said Article 32 as 'Heart and Soul' of Indian Constitution
Ans. Dr. B.R Ambedkar
14. Article 17 is associated with
Ans. Abolition of untouchability
15. Abolition of Title is embodied in
Ans. Article 18
16. Article 19 gives how many Fundamental Freedoms to Individuals
Ans. 6
17. What are the Fundamental Rights granted only to Citizens
Ans. Protection from Discrimination on grounds only of Religion, Race, Caste, Sex or Placeof Birth (Article 15), Equality of opportunity as in matters of Public Employment (Article 16), Freedom of Speech, Assembly, Association, Movement, Residence, Profession (Article 19), Cultural and Educational Rights
18. What are the Fundamental Rights that are available both citizens and foreigners
Ans. Equality and Equal Protection of law (Article 14), Protection in respect of Conviction against Double Punishment and Self incrimination(Article 20), Protection of Life and Personal Liberty (Article 21), Right Against Exploitation (Article 23)
19. Procedure established by Law is Mentioned in
Ans. Article 21
20. Name the authority for the enforcement of Fundamental Rights
Ans. Supreme Court
21. The, Fundamental Rights, Which can't be suspended even during the time of Emergency.
Ans. Article 20 & 21
22. Fundamental Right is not applicable to
Ans. Armed Forces
23. In India Minority includes
Ans. Linguistic and Religious
24. In which case Supreme Courts holds that the Parliament has not the power to amend the constitution?
Ans. Golaknath Case
25. In which case did the Supreme Court change their earlier view and hold the Parliament has the power to amend the Constitution
Ans. Keshavanda Bharati case
26. For the enforcement of Fundamental Rights the courts can issue
Ans. Writs
27. In India which authority has the power to issue writs
Ans. Supreme Court (Article 32), High Court (Article 226)
28. Name the Article that give minorities to establish and administer education institutions
Ans. Article 30
29. The popular name for Nine Judge Bench of the Supreme Court as in 'Indra Sawhney vs Union of India is known as
Ans. Mandal Commission Case
30. Name the writs mentioned in Indian Constitution
Ans. Habeas Corpus, Mandamus, Certiorari, Quo-Warranto, Prohibition
31. Which writ Literally means 'You many have the Body'
Ans. Habeas Corpus
32. The writ of Habeas Corpus is issued
Ans. In the form of an order calling upon a person who has detained another person to bring that person before court and show authority for such detention
33. The writ of Mandamus is issued by a Superior Court to
Ans. To command a person or public authority to do something in the nature of the public duty.
34. The writ of Certiorari is issued by a Superior Court when
Ans. To an inferior court to transfer the record of proceedings in case for review.
35. Writ of Prohibition Prohibits
Ans. Lower courts exceeding its authority
36. Which Part is described as the 'Magnacarta' of the liberties of the Indian People.
Ans. Part Third (Fundamental Rights)
37. In which case the supreme court held that Fundamental Rights are "Sacro Sanet"
Ans. Golaknath Case
38. Who is the chairman of Fundamental rights sub committee in the constituent assembly of India.
Ans. J.B. Kripalani
39. Which Article in the Fundamental Rights prohibits practice of Child Labour
Ans. Article 24
40. Right to Education is the article mentioned in
Ans. Article 21A