Q.1-3. Read each sentence given below and find out whether there is an error in it. The error if any will be one of the parts of the sentence which are marked as 1, 2, 3 and 4. If there is no error, the answer will be (5) i.e. No error. (Ignore the errors of punctuation, if any)
Q.1. Heredity and environment/(1) playing a vital role/(2) in the development of the/(3) personality of an individual.(4)/ No error (5)
Q.2. The present budget/(1) and planning procedures/(2) recognize the need/(3) of increase the rate of growth of GNP.(4)/ No error (5)
Q.3. Environmental policy/(1) and planning, /(2)being globally sensitive/(3), must be based on local needs.(4)/ No error (5)
Q.4-5. Which of the Phrases (1), (2) (3) and (4) given below each sentence should replace the phrases printed in bold in the sentence to make it grammatically correct. If the sentence is correct as it is given and no correction is required, mark (5) as the answer.
Q.4. Child marriages in Visakhapatnam are rampant not only in the rural and tribal areas, but not only in the urban areas and the city’s outskirts.
(1) only as in the urban areas
(2) but as in the urban areas
(3) but also in the urban areas
(4) only in the urban areas
(5) No correction required
Q.5. The segregation of garbage has greatly reduced the amount of dry waste that is dumped and most of the garbage is now recycling and disposed of in the proper manner.
(1) reviewed and recycled of
(2) recycled and disposed of
(3) recycling and disposing of
(4) reviewed and disposed of
(5) No correction required
Q.6-7. Choose the word most similar in meaning to the given word printed in bold.
Q.6. Stymie
A. block B. contemporary C. impede D. vigilant
(1) Only B
(2) Only C
(3) Only A and B
(4) Only A and C
(5) All of the above
Q.7. Mobilize
A. equate B. instigate C. drive D. stimulate
(1) Only A
(2) Only D
(3) Only B and C
(4) Only B and D
(5) All except A
Q.8-10. In the following questions, choose the word opposite in meaning to the given word and mark in the Answer-sheet.
1. favourable
2. adverse
3. seductive
4. helpful
5. cheerful
1. trepidation
2. confusion
3. awkward
4. contentment
5. Dissension
1. Catapult
2. Impel
3. Discourage
4. Impel
5. forbid