-:♠:-Kerala PSC Study Material - 2015-:♠:-IBPS Practice Tests

Solved Paper Block Panchayat Secretary/Municipal Secretary conducted on 04 Jul 2015

Solved Paper Block Panchayat Secretary/Municipal Secretary conducted on 04 Jul 2015

1. The sum and product of two numbers are 13 and 40 respectively. The sum of Their reciprocals is
Ans -13/40

2. The ration of the age of two sister is 3:4. The product of their ages is 192. The ratio of their ages after 5 years will be
Ans -17 :21

3. If the breadth of a rectangle is increased by 40% and the length is reduced by 30%. What will be the effect on its area?
Ans -Decreased by 2%

4. When A,B,C are work together they complete a job in 8 days. When A and C decided to do the work together they competed this job in 12 days. In how many days B alone can complete the work?
Ans -24

5. A man travelling at a speed of 20 Km/hr, reached his office 10 minutes late. Next day he traveled at a peed of 30 Km/hr and he reached his office 10 minutes earlier. The distance between his office and home is:
Ans -20 kms

6. Find (125 + 95)2 - 4 x 125 x 95
Ans -900

7. The angle between both hands of a clock at 9.20 A.M will be
Ans -160

8. A purse contains 1 rupee, 50 paise and 25 paise coins in the ration 7:8:9. If the total money in the purse is 159. The number is 50 paise coins in the purse will be:
Ans -96

9. The radii of bases of a cylinder and a cone are in the ratio 3:4. Volume of cylinder and once are in the ratio 9:8. Then their heights are in the ratio.
Ans -2:3

10. Average age of 15 persons in 24 years. Later a boy is included into this group then average becomes 23 years. The age of the boy will be
Ans -8

11. In a row of studens, Sherin is 12th from the left and Athira is 19th from the right. If they interchange their positions, Sherin becomes 16th from the left. Then, what will be the position of Athira from the right?
Ans - 23rd

12. Raghu said, "Manju's father is the brother of my sister's son". How is Manju's father related to Raghu?
Ans - Nephew

13. If the following words are arranged according to the dictionary order, which will be the second word in that order?
Ans - Disgrace

14. If PUBLISH is coded as BLUSHIP, how will DESTROY be coded?

15. Among the following list, choose the one that is different from the other ones:
Ans - Cabbage

16. From the following options, choose the word which best express the meaning of the word 'illustrious'
Ans - Famous

17. On 9th November 2014, Johnson and Lisa celebrated their 6th Wedding Anniversary on Sunday. What will be the day of their 10th anniversary?
Ans - Friday

18. Cup is to coffee as plate is to
Ans - Idli

19. Complete the following series
Ans - SN

20. Salim walked 100 meters facing towards South. From there he turned left and walked 40 meters. Thereafter, he turned to his left, walked 100 meters and stopped. How far and in what direction is Salim now from his starting point?
Ans - 40 Meters East

21. Which of the following is not a viral disease?
Ans -Malaria

22. Richard Stalman is in connection with
Ans -Free Operating system

23. Who among the following in India was the first winner of Nobel Prize in Physics?
Ans - C.V Raman

24. Over the production of which hormone leads to exophthalmic goiter?
Ans -Thyroxine

25. A liquid having pH value more than 7 is
Ans -Lime Water

26. Which among the following is not correct paired?
Ans -Dynamo - Alfred Nobel

27. The instrument used to measure the growth of plant is
Ans -Axanometer

28. Which one among the following is a molecular scissor?
Ans -Restriction Endonuclease

29. The first nuclear reactor in India is
Ans -Apsara

30. Which element is in chlorophyll?
Ans -Mg

31. "On vision, one identity, one community" is the motto of which of the following organisations?

32. What is the ordinal number of Ban Ki Moon as the Secretary General of UNO
Ans -Eighth

33. Which year was declared as the international year of Family Farming?
Ans -2014

34. Nobel Prize for Literature for 2013 was awarded to
Ans -Alice Munro

35. Asian Games 2014 was held at
Ans - Incheon

36. The Right of Free and Compulsory Education Act was enacted in
Ans -2010

37. The founder of Wiki Leaks is
Ans -Julean Assange

38. The Seventeenth SAARC Summit was held at
Ans -Addu 

39. Rajeev Awaas Yojana aims at
Ans -Slum Free India

40. The new name of Planning Commission
Ans -NITI Ayog

41. What was the original Name of Chattampi Swamikal?
Ans -Kunjan Pillai

42. Who is Pulaya Raja in Kerala Renaissance Movement?
Ans -Ayyankali

43. Which is the largest backwater in Kerala?
Ans -Vembanad Kayal

44. In which year Sree Narayana Guru established a Siva Temple at Aruvippuram?
Ans -1887

45. A famous renaissance leader of Kerala who founded Atma Vidya Sangham?
Ans -Vagbhatananda

46. Social Justice and brotherhood of man were the cardinal principles of _______ teaching.
Ans -Ayya Vaikundar

47. For his outstanding and selfless social activities, the people of Kerala honoured with the title "Bharata Kesari", who is that leader?
Ans -Mannathu Padmanabhan

48. Who is assoicated with 'Pidiyari Systerm' (a small amount of rice) in Kerala society
Ans -Chavara Kuriakose Elias

49. Where is the headquarters of Prathyaksha Reksha Daiva Sabha?
Ans - Eraviperoor

50. In which year Sree Narayana Guru convenced an inter-religious conference at Aluva were he gave the noble message of 'One caste, One religion and One God for men'?
Ans - 1924

51. _______ marked the first mass campaign against British Rule led by Indian National Congress.
Ans -Non Co-operation Movement

52. The Pioneer Martyer of 1857 revolt:
Ans - Mangal Pandey

53. Swaraj is my Birth right and I shall have it
Ans - Bal Gangadhar Tilak

54. Who is the Frontier Gandhi?
Ans - Khan Abdul Gaffer Khan

55. The first Education Mininster of Free India:
Ans - Maulana Abdul Kalam Azad

56. Who was the Grand Old man of India?
Ans - Dadabhai Nauoroji

57. What was the importance of the year 1942 in the history of India's sturggle for Independence?
Ans - Quit India Movement

58. Who was the political Guru of Mahatama Gandhi?
Ans - Gopal Krishna Gokhale

59. Who was popularly known as the Lion of the Punjab?
Ans - Lala Lajpat Rai

60. Who was the founder of Benares Hindu University?
Ans - Pandit Madam Mohan Malaviya

61. The National Commission for women was constituted in
Ans- 1990

62. The number of members nominated by the princely states to the Constituent Assembly were:
Ans - 93

63. The nomination of members in the Rajya Sabha by the President was borrowed by the Constitution of India from
Ans -Ireland

64. Which among the following is not a way for acquisition of citizenship in India
Ans -Renunciation

65. The constitution first Amendment Act sought to:
Ans -curtail the right to property guaranteed by Article 31

66. Who was appointed as the adviser of the Constitution assembly?
Ans - BN Rao

67. The Article in the Indian Constitution which prohibits intoxicating drinks and drugs
Ans - Article 47

68. The President of India may sometimes simply keep a bill on his table indefinitely without giving or refusing assent. This is
Ans -Poket Veto

69. A member of the State Pubic Service Commission may resign his office by writing addressed to:
Ans -The Governor

70. Obiter Dicta is :
Ans -that part of the judgement which was strictly not necessary for the disposal of the cause or matter before the court

71. Fill in the blanks using an article
I went to ______ hospital to see my uncle.
Ans - The

72. In the following sentence, supply a verb in agreement with its subject:
Neither food nor water ______ to be found there.
Ans - Was

73. Fill in the blank with suitable preposition
My friend stood _________ me during my difficult times.
Ans - By

74. Bring out the meaning of the idiom in the following sentence:
We shall fight tooth and nail for our rights
Ans - with all our power

75. Identify the sentence which is in passive voice?
Ans -Alice was not much surprised at his

76. Pict out the sentence which is grammatically correct?
Ans - He has been studying hard for the last two weeks

77. Find the word which is not a synonym of 'Modest'?
Ans - Timid

78. Give one word substitute for 'things of different nature'
Ans - Heterogeneous

79. Complete the following sentence using an appropriate adjective
Ans - Oldest

80. Find the other gender of 'horse'?
Ans - Mare

81. Which s the thrust area of Valmiki Ambedka Awaas Yojana?
Ans - Urban Slums

82. When was "Andyodaya Anna Yojana' launched?
Ans - 25 Dec 2000

83. Which is not included in Bharat Nirman?
Ans - The Rural Health

84. Expand IAY
Ans - Indira Awaas Yojana

85. Which scheme targets the most vulnerable groups of population including children up to 6 years of age, pregnant women and nursing mothers in backward rural areas, tribal areas and urban slums?
Ans - ICDS

86. When did "Pradhan Mantri Adharash Gram Yojana" formally launched?
Ans - 2010

87. Which is the thrust area of Prime Minister's Rozgar Yojana?
Ans - Unemployed youth

88. In Kerala which programme is formally registered as the "State Poverty Eradication Mission" a society registered under the Travancore Kochi Literary Scientific and Charitable Society Act?
Ans - Kudumbasree

89. Expand NREGP:
Ans - National Rural Employment Guarantee Programme

90. Which is the grass root functionary of Kudumbasree?
Ans - N.G.H

91. Which of the following computer language is used for artificial intelligence?

92. Programmed Instruction to the computer is known as:
Ans - Code

93. IBM 1401 is ________Generation Computer
Ans - Second

94. The term associated with the processing speed of computer
Ans - MIPS

95. In 1983, who defined the term 'Computer Virus'?
Ans - Fred Cohen

96. When IT Act 2000 of India came into force?
Ans - 17 Oct 2000

97. Unauthoried attempts to bypass the security mechanism of an information system or network is called
Ans - Hacking

98. A printer is this kind of device :
Ans - Output

99. Which one is a text editor for Microsoft windows?
Ans - Note pad

100. Software which allows the user to load a webpage is
Ans - Broweser


  1. Any idea wat could be a decent mark for this exam? As per above answers mine s 64.7


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