Q.1. DML stands for ...........
(1) Data Markup Language
(2) Digital Manipulate Language
(3) Data Manipulation Language
(4) Data Manipulation Logic
(5) None of these
Q.2. (1000111)2 = ()10
(1) (81)10
(2) (61)10
(3) (71)10
(4) (91)10
(5) (101)10
Q.3. CRT and TFT are types of ................
(1) Ports
(2) Video cards
(3) Monitors
(4) Memory
(5) None of these
Q.4. Hard disk is coated on both sides with ------------- .
(1) Magnetic metallic oxide
(2) Optical metallic oxide
(3) Carbon layer
(4) All of these
(5) None of these
Q.5. Give an example of cell Address?
(1) A cell
(2) 911
(3) 41A
(4) A21
(5) 1125
Q.6. Where a row and a column meet, what do you call that?
(2) A block
(3) A box
(4) All
(5) None of these
Q.7. The computer that processes both analog and digital information is called ...........
(1) Analog computer
(2) Digital Computer
(3) Hybrid Computer
(4) Mainframe Computer
(5) None of these
Q.8. Access time is ................
(1) Seek time + latency time
(2) Seek time
(3) Seek time-latency time
(4) Latency time
(5) None of these
Q.9. Which is an example of a function?
(1) = add (A1 : A2)
(2) = A1 + A2
(3) = SUM (A1 : A2)
(4) A1 +A2
(5) None of these
Q.10. .pdf is the extension of -
(1) Adobe reader
(2) Portable file
(3) Document file
(4) Animation file
(5) None of these
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