1. Which is the restructured form of Swarnajayanthi Gram Swarozgar Yojana[SGSY]?
2. The Integrated Rural Development Programe [IRDP] was merged into which scheme in 1999?
3. Which scheme aimed the eradication of poverty in rural India through the creation of self -employment ?
4. What was the basic component of the Swarnajayanti Gram Swarozgar Yojana [SGSY] ?
5. Which poverty eradication program's flagship name is Ajeevika?
6. In which year was the National Rural Health Mission [NHRM] founded ?
7. ASHA is an essential part of which scheme?
8. Who is the nodal officer at District level for the National Food for Work Programme?
9. In which year was the Integrated Child Development Service [ICDS] introduced ?
10. The beneficiaries of Indira Awaas Yojana[IAY] are selected from --- ?
11. Improve enrolment and retention of girl children in School & raise the age at mariage of girls are the main objectives of---- ?
12. What is the popular name of Kerala's State Poverty Eradication Mission ?
13. Which is the grass root functionary of Kudumbashree ?
14. In which year was the Pradhan Mantri Adharsh Gram Yojana formally luanched ?
15. Which scheme targets the most vulnerable groups of population including children up to 6 years of age, pregnent women and nursing mothers in rural areas, tribal areas & urban slums ?
16. Which is the thrust area of Valmiki Ambedkar Awas Yojana ?
17. In which year was the Andyodaya Anna Yojana luanched ?
18. The National Rural Employment Guarantee Act was passed in the year ----?
19. Which Prime Minister of India dedicated the Sampoorna Gramin Rozgar Yojana to the nation ?
20. PMRY is primarily to assist which group ?
21. Which programme's three important components are micro credit, entrepreneurship & empowerment ?
22. The benefits of Balika Samridhi Yojana are restricted to ---?
23. Kudumbasree was luanched formally by Government of Kerala on ?
24. The first ICDS Project in Kerala was set up in 1975 at ---- block ?
25. ______ is the focal point for the delivery of services at community levels to children below six years of age, pregnent women, nursing mothers and adolcent girls.