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-:♠:-Kerala PSC Study Material - 2015-:♠:-IBPS Practice Tests

Kerala PSC Secretariat Assistant/ Auditor/ Municipal Secretary, Block Panchayat Secretary Model Question Paper - 3

Kerala PSC Secretariat Assistant/ Auditor/ Municipal Secretary, Block Panchayat Secretary Model Question Paper - 3

1. The traditional Football game named Yubilakpi is popular in.

(a) Mizoram(b) Manipur
(c) Meghalaya(d) Tripura

2. The Dulhasti Power Project in Jammu and Kashmir is in the river.

(a) Jhelum(b) Beas
(c) Chenab(d) Sutlej

3. India's First Pravasi University was setup at.

(a) Bangalore(b) New Delhi
(c) Mumbai(d) Kochi

4. The state which is not includd in 'Seven sisters' is .

(a) Meghalaya(b) Sikkim
(c) Nagaland(d) Tripura

5. The Governor General of British India who was known as Benevolent Governor General is.

(a) Gornwalls(b) Dalhousie
(c) William Bentinck(d) Wellesley

6. The only Indian state to have both coastline and Himalayan ranges is.

(a) West Bengal(b) Bihar
(c) Odisha(d) Assam

7. Gahir Matha Turtle Sanctuary is situated at.

(a) Maharashtra(b) Goa
(c) West Bengal(d) Odisha

8. The National Milk Day is observed on.

(a) November 16(b) November 26
(c) October 16(d) October 26

9. RSBY is a scheme launched by the Ministry of.

(a) Human Resources Development(b) Health
(c) Labour(d) Railway

10. Balika Samridhi Yojana was introduced in the year_____.

(a) 1997(b) 1999
(c) 2001(d) 2004

11. The book 'Problems of the East' was written by.

(a) Lord Curzon(b) Lord Mountbatten
(c) Gopal Krishna Gokhale(d) Balgangadhara Tilak

12. The chancellor of NUALS (National University of Advanced Legal Studies)is .

(a) President of India(b) Supreme Court Chief Justice
(c) Governor(d) High Court Chief Justice

13. Vayam Raksham (we protect) is the motto of.

(a) Indian Navys(b) Border Security Force
(c) National Security Guards(d) Indian Coast Guard

14. The first Labour bank in Kerala is established at.

(a) Kakkanad(b) Akathethara
(c) Vazhuthakkadu(d) Palarivattom

15. The social service league at Bombay was founded by.

(a) Ashwini Kumar Dutt(b) Siva Narayan Agnihotri
(c) NM Joshi(d) Gopal Hari Deshmukh

16. The community development programme in India is initiated by.

(a) Ashok Mehta(b) Balwant Ray Mehta
(c) Dr. Radhakrishnan(d) SK Dey

17. Chemical used for removing air bubbles from glass during its manufacture is.

(a) Arsenic Oxide(b) Potassium Chromate
(c) Calcium Silicate(d) Lead Bromide

18. The Local wind that causes thunder showers and hail stroms in West Bengal and Assam is.

(a) Loo(b) Norwesters
(c) Kal Baisakhi(d) Mango Showers

19. The headquarters of the Northeast Hill University (NEHU) is at.

(a) Aizwal(b) Guwahati
(c) Imphal(d) Shillong

20. Nobel Prize in which field is not paid out of the endowment setup by Alfred Nobel?.

(a) Literature(b) Medicine
(c) Economics(d) Peace

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