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-:♠:-Kerala PSC Study Material - 2015-:♠:-IBPS Practice Tests

Reasoning Ability - Sitting Arrangements 1

Reasoning Ability - Sitting Arrangements 1

Q. No. 1 (Q.A-E) - Direction : P, Q, R, S, T and U are sitting along the circle facing the centre.

(i)   P is immediate neighbour of Q who is second to right of R.

(ii)  S is second to the left of T
(iii) U is immediate neighbour of T.

(A) Which of the following is correct ?

(a) S is between U and R(b) Q is between P and T
(c) P is between Q and R(d) T is between U and Q
(e) None of these

(B) Which pair among the following has only one element sitting between its two elements in the given sitting arrangement?
(a) QU(b) PR
(c) RT(d) SU
(e) None of these

(C) What is the position of U?
(a) Second to the right of R(b) Between T and P
(c) To the immediate Left of S(d) Second to the right of Q
(e) None of these

(D) Which of the following is wrong?
(a) P is to the immediate left of R(b) Q is to the immediate right of P
(c) S is to the immediate right of Q(d) T is to immediate right of U
(e) None of these

(E) Which of the following pairs among the following pairs has its second element sitting to the immediate right of its first element?
(a) US(b) PS
(c) QU(d) TP
(e) None of these

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