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Block Panchayat Secretary Expected Questions 2015 - Geography Part II

Block Panchayat Secretary Expected Questions 2015 - Geography Part II

51. Where is Dal Lake locates?

52. Which hill resort being referred to as the paradise of Rajasthan?

53. In which mountain range the Mount Abu situates?

54. What is the other name given to Ooty (Ootacamund) the Queen of the Hill stations?

55. Kamet is the second highest mountain peak in Garhwal Himalayas. In which state, it locates?

56. The average elevation of the Malwa plateau is ___ meters.

57. Which is the river that drained most of the Malwa Plateau?

58. In which Plateau region where the Hazaribagh town locates?

59. What is the previous name of Sohra?

60. In which Eastern hills the Mawsynram situates?

61. What is the capital of the state Jharkhand?

62. Which is the Indian state where Kohima is its capital?

63. Which Indian state shares its boundaries with most states.

64. Which is the division of North Indian plain made by the deposition of alluvium by the rivers Luni and Saraswathi?

65. In which Indian state the Chilka Lake locates?

66. Western coastal plain of India can be classifed into three. Name the north most sub-division of it?

67. Name the southern most sub-division of the eastern coastal plain?

68. In which Indian state a mid altitude small lake, called the Dal Lake locates?

69. Which among the following is a salt lake in Rajasthan? *Sambhar Lake, *Red hills lake, * Kalyana lake

70. Identify the mansoon wind that influencing on the western Coastal plain of India?

71. Where is Baga Creek tidal estury locates?

72. Which is the longest tributary river of India?

73. Which is the largest fresh water lake in North east India?

74. Which among the following is not a peninsular river?*Bhima, *Krishn, *Chambal, *Kosi

75. From where the river Brahmaputra origintes?

76. Which river in India originates from the Sahava region tht lies south to the Amarkaandak peak?

77. Which is the southern most east flowing peninsular river?

78. Which is the longest peninsular river in India?

79. Which river in India considered to be the national river?

80. How much is the total length of the river Ganga?

81. Where does the Ganes River start?

82. In which river bank the city Agra locates?

83. In which river bank the city Kolkata situates?

84. Diu is an island off the coast of _____.

85. Shivasamudram falls is found in the course of river_____.

86. In which state Mana Pass is located?

87. Which tribe of Uttarakhand practices transhumance?

88. On which river is Jog falls-the biggest waterfall of India?

89. Where is the 'Black Pagoda'?

90. In which Indian state the Jaina Hill is located?

91. By what name is the river Ganga known in Bangladesh?

92. Name the river Brahmaputra in Bangladesh?

93. Through which state the river Mahanadi flows finally?

94. Name the neighbouring country of India that locates at the south of the island Minicoy?

95. Where is the head quarters of Lakshadweep?

96. Which part of India is known as "Tropical Paradise"?

97. Name the portion of the sea which separates Andaman from Nicobar Islands?

98. Indira Point, the southern most tip of India belongs to which island group?

99. Where is the capital of Andaman Islands?

100. Name the volcanic island that belongs to the Andaman group of Island?

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