Q.1 Which storage device is mounted on ‘reels’?
(1) Floppy Disk
(2) Hard Disk
(3) Magnetic Tapes
(5) None of these
Q.2 Which of the memories below is often used in a typical computer operation?
(1) RAM
(2) ROM
(3) FDD
(4) HDD
(5) None of these
Q.3 The server on the internet is also known as ________.
(1) Repeater
(2) Host
(3) Gateway
(4) ISP
(5) Router
Q.4 Where does the swap space residable?
(1) RAM
(2) Disk
(3) ROM
(4) On chip cache
(5) None of these
Q. 5 Which of the following cables can transmit data at high speeds?
(1) Co axial cables
(2) Optical fiber cables
(3) UTP
(4) Twisted Pair Cable
(5) Untwisted Pair Cable
Q.6 The size of the virtual memory depends on the size of the _______
(1) Data bus
(2) Main memory
(3) Address bus
(4) All
(5) None of these
Q.7 FAT stands for ________.
(1) File Accommodation Table
(2) File Access Tape
(3) File Allocation Table
(4) File Activity Table
(5) None of these
Q.8 Where are cookies stored?
(1) On the server
(2) Inweb.xml
(3) On the client
(4) In HTML
(5) In XHTML
Q. 9 Which of them take care of e mail at client side?
(1) POP
(2) MAP
(3) IMAP
(4) Both 1 and 3
(5) None of these
Q. 10 Node in XML is _______.
(1) Any part of the document whether it is elements, attributes or otherwise
(2) Referred only to the attributes
(3) Referred to the top element in the document
(4) Referred only to elements
(5) None of these