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Vocabulary Words - 8

Vocabulary Words - 8


Synonyms: essential, necessity Antonyms: nonessential
Example Sentence:
Not having the requisite documentation may result in the rejection of the application by the officer.

2. SUBSTANTIVE (ADJECTIVE): having a firm basis in reality

Synonyms: meaningful, considerable Antonyms: unimportant, meaningless
Example Sentence:
The popular gossip columnist's article was not based on anything substantive, she had made up the whole story.

3. MUSTER (NOUN): gather

Synonyms: assembly, convocation Antonyms: division, separation
Example Sentence:
In the final match of the tournament, the last six wickets of the Indian cricket team could only muster a further 73 runs.

­­ 4. ABORTIVE (ADJECTIVE): failing to achieve a goal

Synonyms: futile, fruitless Antonyms: productive, profitable
Example Sentence:
All the friends made an abortive effort to bake a cake for Rani's birthday party.

5. APOTHEOSIS (NOUN): glorification

Synonyms: elevation, deification Antonyms: disdain, lowness
Example Sentence:
There are lot of people who believe that the Corvette is the apotheosis of American car industry. They think it's the ideal.

6. ARBITER (NOUN): person who settles dispute

Synonyms: mediator, moderator
Example Sentence:
An arbiter of the fashion industry is someone who decides what other people will wear by wearing it herself.


Synonyms: combative, antagonistic Antonyms: agreeable
Example Sentence:
In general, I always avoid contentious topics of conversation because they lead to arguments.

8. BELABOR (VERB): dwell on

Synonyms: overwork, rehash Antonyms: deny, refuse
Example Sentence:
After dinner the boring speaker talked too long and continued to belabor about the challenges of foreign competition until everyone was practically falling asleep.

9. MUNIFICENT (ADJECTIVE): giving, generous

Synonyms: benevolent, charitable Antonyms: mean, selfish
Example Sentence:
The billionaire was so munificent that he gave lots of money to any charity that came to him with a request.

10. RAPACIOUS (ADJECTIVE) : plundering

Synonyms: ferocious, greedy Antonyms: satisfied, contended
Example Sentence:
The investment bankers working at the Wall Street are often accused of being rapacious.

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