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Daily Quiz - 22 Jun 2015

Daily Quiz - 22 Jun 2015

Q 526. At the request of which country one of Al-Jazeera senior journalists has been arrested in Germany during June 2015?

B. India
C. Iran
D. Egypt

ANSWER: D. Egypt

Ahmed Mansour, who works for the channel's Arabic-language service, was detained as he tried to board a flight from Berlin to Qatar. A court in Egypt's capital Cairo sentenced him to 15 years in prison in absentia last year on torture charges. The news channel claims that charges made against Mr Mansour, who has dual British and Egyptian citizenship, are absurd and false.

Q 527. Name the judge who resigned on 19 June 2015 from the Office of the Judge of Delhi High Court with effect from the afternoon of 8 July 2015?

A. Justice J K Khattri
B. Justice Markandey Katju
C. Justice Gian Prakash Mittal
D. Justice G K Vaish

ANSWER: C. Justice Gian Prakash Mittal

He tendered his resignation from the office of the Judge of Delhi High Court, in pursuance of provision (a) to clause (1) of article 217 of the Indian Constitution.

Q 528. Name the country that announced a ban on wearing earphones while driving a vehicle and riding a cycle with effect from 1st July’15?

A. India
B. France
C. China
D. Bangladesh

ANSWER: B. France

People using earphones while driving a vehicle or riding a cycle will be fined 135 Euro (214 US dollar) and lose three license points. However, use of phone while having the caller on loud speaker will be allowed.

Q 529. Name the country that on 19th June’15 launched the world’s first electric passenger aircraft?

B. Japan
C. Germany
D. China

ANSWER: D. China

BX1E electric passenger aircraft was designed together by Shenyang Aerospace University and Liaoning General Aviation Academy located in the northeastern Liaoning Province of China.

Q 530. After which football player did the scientists name a newly discovered galaxy in the third week of June 2015?

A. Lionel Messi
B. Christiano Ronaldo
C. Arjen Robben
D. David Beckham

ANSWER: B. Christiano Ronaldo

Cristiano Ronaldo is also known as CR7 after his initials and jersey number. CR7 is three times brighter than the brightest distant galaxy known till now, called Himiko. This brightest galaxy was discovered in the early universe that contains the first generation of stars.

Q 531. Which country’s President Suleyman Demirel died on 17th June 2015 following a heart failure and a respiratory tract infection?

A. Kenya
B. Nigeria
C. Oman
D. Turkey

ANSWER: D. Turkey

He served as the President of Turkey from 1993 to 2000, but before that he also held the post of Prime Minister of the country several times in the 1960s and 1970s.

Q 532. Who won the Austrian F1 Grand Prix on 21 June 2015?

A. Nico Rosberg
B. Lewis Hamilton
C. Daniel Vettel
D. Sebastian Vettel

ANSWER: A. Nico Rosberg

He defeated his Mercedes teammate Lewis Hamilton (Britain) and is now just 10 points behind him in this year’s F1 season.

Q 533. Name the Indian American scientist who was awarded Russia’s top technology award during June 2015 in honor of his work in the area of energy efficiency?

A. Dr. Amitabha Ghosh
B. Krishan Sabnani
C. Narinder Singh Kapany
D. B Jayant Baliga

ANSWER: D. B Jayant Baliga

He was recognized as the inventor of the insulated gate bipolar transistor (IGBT), which he developed while working at the General Electrical research & development center in New York in 1983.

Q 534. Name the world’s largest cruise ship that made its maiden entry into water in France on 19th June’15 and is expected to take its maiden voyage in 2016?

A. Harmony of the Seas
B. Voyage 2016
C. Ships of Seas 2016
D. Harmony 2016

ANSWER: A. Harmony of the Seas

It is the name of the mammoth cruise liner of Royal Caribbean that is being constructed since 2013. The ship will carry 6,360 passengers along with 2,100 staff.

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