- In BC 305 Chandragupta defeated Seleucus Nikator.
- Megasthenese was a Greek ambassador sent tot the court of Chandragupta Maurya by Seleucus.
- The Mauryan dynasty was founded by Chandragupta Maurya with the help of ruler Dhanananda and ascended the throne of Magadha about 322 BC.
- Pataliputra(modern Patna) was the capital of the Mauryas.
- The ‘Arthasastra’ written by Kautilya the Prime Minister of Chandragupta Maurya,’Indica’ written in Greek by Megasthenes are the literary sources that throw light on the Mauryan period.
- Chandragupta embraced Jainism at the end of his life and spent his last days at Sravamabelagola near Mlysore with Bhadrabahu.
- Ajivikism became important during the period of Mauryans.Ajivika sect founded by Makkhali Gosala, a contemporary of the Buddha.
- Chandragupta was succeeded by his son Bindusara (297-274 BC).
- The most illustrious ruler of Mauryas was Ashoka (273-232 BC).
- Ashoka asserted All men are my children.
- He adopted the title ‘Devanampriya’ or beloved of the Gods.
- The Mauryan administration had a well knit system of espionage.
- National Emblem of India is adopted from the Saranath Lion capital of Asoka Pillar.
- The great Stupa at Sanchi, was built by Asoka.
- Asoka fought the Kalinga (Orissa) war in 261 BCand thereafter gave up wars and embraced Buddhism.
- Brihadratha was the last major Mauryas ruler.
- Sunga dynasty was founded by Pushyamitra Sunga, the commander-in-chief of Brihadratha, the last Mauryan king.
- Patanjali lived in his court.He wrote “Mahabhashya”.
- Kalidas’s drama Malavikagnimitram is about the love story of Pushyamitra’s son Agnimitra and Malavika.
- 'Manusmrithi' was written during the period.
- Kanva dynasty was founded by Vasudeva Kanva in 73 BC after defeating Devabhuti the last Sunga ruler.
- Susarman, the last Kanva ruler was killed by Simukha, he founder of Satavahana dynasty.
- It is believed that Chedi dynasty was founded by Mahameghavhana.
- The Hathigumbha Inscriptions of Kharavela, who belonged to the Chedi dynasty gives valuable information about Chedi’s of Kalinga.
The Satavahanas(235BC-100)
- The Satavahanas came to ppower in te Deccan. They were called Andhras.
- The founder of this dynasty was Simukha.
- Gautamiputra Stakarni was the famous ruler of Satavahanas.
- Amaravati and Nagarjuna Konda were developed as famous Buddhist centres during this period.
- Their capital was Srikakulam.
Indo-Greeek or the Bactrians(Northern Afghanistan)
- The most famous Indo-Greek ruler was Menander or Milinda(BC165-145).
- Milinda was converted to Buddhism.
- Milinda Panha-the dialogue between Nagarjuna and Milinda.
- Indo-Greeks introduced the Hellenistic art feature.
- They introduced gold coins in India.
- Dimitrius, the king of Bactria invaded India and he is considered as the Second Alexander. But Indian ruler was accepted the name second Alexander was Alaudin-Khilji.
- They were known as Pahalavas.
- The Parthians originated in Iran.
- Gondopherenes was the most famous Parthian king.
- St.Thomas came to India during the period of Gondophernes(in Ist century AD).
- Scythians were known as Sakas.
- The Scythians attacked Bactria.
- Maues or Moga was the first Saka king in India, who established Saka power in Gandhara in 80 BC.
- Rudradaman (AD 130-152) was one of the famous kings of Saka dynasty. His capital was Ujjayini.
- The Junagadh Inscription is associated with Rudradaman.
- The King of King (Raja-dhi-Raja),Great king (Maharaja) were the prestigious titles used by the Saka kings.
- The Kushanas ruled form Kashmir.
- Kadphaises I is the founder of this dynasty.
- Kanishka was the most important ruler of Kushana dynasty. He started the Saka era(the Indian Calendar) in 78 AD.
- Kanishkas’s capital was purushhapura (Peshwar).
- Kanishka was a patron of Buddhism. He supported Mahayana Buddhism. Due to his services to Buddhism, he is called the ‘Second Asoka’.
- He convened the fourth Buddhist Council at Kashmir in 78 AD.
- Old Silk route was a source of income to the Kushanas.
- He started Saka Era in 78AD. Its first month is Chaitra and last is Phalguna.
- During the time of Kanishka, Buddhism divided into 2-Hinayana and Mahayana.
- The Gandhara School of art (a mixture of Indo-Greek art) developed during this period.
- Aswagosha and Nagarjuna were patronized by Kanishka,Aswagosha wrote ‘Buddhacharita’.
- Charaka, the father of Ayurveda was the court physician of Kanishka.
- Charaka wrote ‘Charaka Samhita’ and Susrutha wrote ‘Susrutha Samhitha’ (a treatise on surgery).
- Vasudea was the last great king of Kushana dynasty.
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