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Vedic Period (BC 1500 - BC 500)

Vedic Period

  • The word ‘Aryan’ is borrowed from ‘Arya’ in Sanskrit which means ‘of good family’

  • Aryans are the originators of Vedic culture. They came to India around 1500 BC from Central Asia, in the Caspian sea region.

  • The Aryans who entered India are known as Indo – Aryans and first settled in the Punjab.

  • The Aryans were divided into many tribes and built up a rural culture.

  • Cattle rearing was their main occupation.

  • The discovery of iron helped them to develop agriculture in the Ganga Valley.

  • The Rig Vedic Aryans were mainly a pastoral people.

  • The Vedas throw light on the life of Aryans.

  • The word ‘Veda’ is derived from the Sanskrit word ‘Vid’ means ‘to know’ or knowledge par excellence.

  • The term Vedic literature means literature based on Vedas. The Vedas are essentially a compilation of prayers and hymns, offered by different families of poets and sages to various gods.

  • The Vedas are four in number – Rig, Yajur, Sama and Atharva.

  • Rig Ved is the oldest Veda.

Rig Vedic Gods
IndraGod of Railfall
VarunaGod of Water
AgniGod of Fire
YamaGod of Death
SomaGod of Plants
VayuWind God
DyausFather of Heaven
AditiMother of Surya
MarutsStorm Spirits
GandharvasDivine musicians
ApsarasMistresses of Gods

  • Rig Veda is a collection of 1028 hymns (Sukta) by a number of priestly families. These were recited at the time of sacrificial rites and other rituals and are divided into Ten Books or ‘Mandalas’.

  • Gayatri Mantra is the most sacred hymn of Rig Veda.

  • Yajur Veda or the ‘Book of Sacrificial Prayers’ is a ritual Veda. It prescribes the ritual for performing different sacrifices.

  • Sama Veda or the ‘Book of Chants’ is a collection of melodies. These were meant to be sung at the time of Soma sacrifice.

  • Atharva Veda was a book of magical formula.

Rig Vedic Polity and Society
  • The chief was the protector of the tribe or Jana.

  • Sabha, Samiti, Vidhata and Gana were the tribal assemblies. Of these, Vidhata was the oldest. These assemblies exercised deliberative, military and religious functions.

  • The family was essentially patriarchal and birth of a son was desired.
Religious belief of the Aryans
  • Indra, the God of thunder and rain was the greatest God of the Aryans.

  • Agni, the next in importance to Indra, was the God of fire. He was the intermediary between Man and God. Marriages were solemnized in his presence.

  • Varuna occupied the third position and he personified water.

  • Yama was the God of death.

  • The Aswins were the twin Gods of Heaven.

The Brahmanas are a series of texts which contain commentaries of Vedas and so are the first specimens of prose in the world. They explain the social and religious aspects of the rituals and throw light on Vedic society.

These are books meant for hermits. These deal with mysticism and philosophy

The term Upanishad is derived from ‘Upa’ (near), ‘ni’ (down) and ‘shad’ (to sit) is sitting donw near. Smritis means that which has to be remembered.

Manu is considered as a law giver in the Hindu tradition. ‘Manu Smriti’ is written by him. Sutra
  • Srauta Sutra deals with the rituals of the great sacrifice of Agni, Soma and animal.
  • Grihya Sutra deals with the domestic ceremonies and sacrifices to be performed by a householder.
  • Dharma Sutra deals with laws manners etc of people.
The later Vedic civilization includes the changes and development that took place in the religious, social, economic and political conditions of people and the period when the later Samhitas, Atharva, Yajur and Sama Vedas were composed.

During this period the society was divided into four Varnas called the Brahmins, Kshatriyas, Vaishyas and Sudras. Each Varna was given well defined functions.

‘Ashramas’ or four stages of life became, popular. The four ashramas are ‘Brahmachari’ or student, ‘Grihastha’ or householder. ‘Vanaprastha’ or partial retirement and ‘Sanyasa’ or complete retirement from the world.

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