Q 157. Name the city that would become the first in India to get Google Street View as announced on 12 May 2015?
A. Mumbai
B. Delhi
C. Hyderabad
D. Pune
ANSWER: C. Hyderabad
Q 158. Which country’s Defence Chief has been executed for showing disrespect to its leader?
A. China
B. North Korea
C. South Korea
D. Vietnam
ANSWER: B. North Korea
North Korea's Defence Minister Hyon Yong-chol has been executed for showing disloyalty to leader Kim Jong-un, South Korea's spy agency has told parliament.
Q 159. In which district, Haryana Government will soon set up an international level museum at a cost of Rs 30 crore to display significant archaeological findings?
A. Panipat
B. Sonipat
C. Jind
D. Panchkula
ANSWER: D. Panchkula
The work to set up museum at Panchkula would commence within next 3 to 4 months, the work on museum at Rakhigarhi would be taken up within a month. A state-level museum at a cost of Rs 5 crore will also be set up at Rakhigarhi village in Hisar district to display various items excavated at Rakhigarhi which is the biggest site of Harappan civilization in the South-east Asia.
Q 160. Deflationary pressure continued for the sixth straight month, as Wholesale Inflation dropped to a new low of ______ in April 2015.
A. -2.65%
B. -1.34%
C. -0.50%
D. -4.10%
ANSWER: A. -2.65%.
This was largely due to a fall in the prices of fuel and manufactured items. Inflation, as measured by the Wholesale Price Index, was 5.55 per cent in April 2014.
Q 161. By what percent food grain output likely to fall in 2014-15 crop year?
A. 10%
B. 5.25%
C. 8%
D. 3.5%
ANSWER: B. 5.25%.
India's food grain production is estimated to have declined by 5.25 per cent to 251.12 million tonnes in 2014-15 crop year. The country had registered a record food grain production of 265.04 million tonnes in 2013-14 crop year. The production of most of the Kharif crops fell because of the poor monsoon last year and Rabi crops due to the recent unseasonal rain and hailstorms.
Q 162. Name the youngster who won her maiden world title by bagging the gold in the under-15 category of World School Chess Championships concluded at Pattaya on 14thMay’15?
A. Sunita
B. Ravita
C. Priti
D. Tejaswini
ANSWER: D. Tejaswini.
In the event that concluded at Pattaya, Tajaswini - Aurangabad-girl defeated Kavinya Miyuni Rajapaksa of Sri Lanka in the ninth and final round.
Q 163. Which state’s sports department in collaboration with Australian Trade Commission is to launch a state wide sports awareness campaign?
A. Andhra Pradesh
B. Haryana
C. Punjab
D. West Bengal
ANSWER: C. Punjab