Today, every school focuses on acquainting the students regarding the current affairs of the world. This is an effort to build a habit in the student, to stay updated and hence, to stay aware. Current affairs refer to the important incidents that have occurred and hold social importance in the world. The important role of current affairs can be evident with the various eligibility criteria adopted by the job sector, where individuals are hired based on their knowledge of their surroundings. Knowledge of current affairs works on two levels. For some it is mere knowledge of an event that occurred, while for others it is an important of their exam syllabus. Competitive exams portray the importance of current affairs in our lives. They dedicate a major section of their question paper to current affairs. Therefore, for students appearing for any competitive exam like civil service exam, bank exam, and insurance sector jobs etc it is very essential to prepare the current affairs.
Therefore, the growing dependency of current affairs is evident in our lives. Some people update themselves to stay vigilant, while it helps others for exam preparation. Practicing current affairs quiz and reading newspapers can help you to stay aware.
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