-:♠:-Kerala PSC Study Material - 2015-:♠:-IBPS Practice Tests

SBI Associates Clerical online Speed Test - Computer Knowledge

The SPEED TEST is a composite test containing all the four tests. After attaining master over the questions in the practice tests you should answer this SPEED TEST. The purpose of SPEED TEST is to give you first hand experience of solving the tests as in the examination. You should give yourself exactly 10 minutes. Do not leave the speed test without getting 100% correct answers. Even if you cannot solve it at the first attempt try again and again.

How to solve an objective type question, which is usually the type which appears in the examination which you will take is explained in detail in on the SBI website.

In an objective type question, only one of these given choice is correct. You are required to identify which of these choices is correct and give that as your answer.

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