101. Name the climatic phenomenon that causes for snow fall at North India during winter season?
102. The winter and summer are not severe in Thiruvananthapuram, Identify the factor influencing here?
103. What term is used to indicate the climate of a place having sea influence?
104. The winter and summer will be so severe at Delhi, Identify the factor influencing it?
105. What term is used to indicate the climate of a place have not sea influence?
106. The weather in the month of October in the Indian sub-continent is called
107. Name the season in India during the period of June to September?
108. The eastern coast of India receives rain in Noavember, Identify the wind resulted to the rainfall?
109. The 'Inter-tropical Convergence Zone', where the trade winds meet near the equator to produce a band of relatively very still air, which can strand sailing ships, is known more prosaically as what?
110. What is the childlike name given to the significant weather activity linked to sea temperature rise in the Pacific Ocean?
111. Towards which direction (North, East, South or West) is a rainbow normally seen in the afternoon?
112. How many sides or points does every snowflake have?
113. In the Northern hemisphere an area of low pressure produces what wind direction?
114. Which one of these revolving weather systems is the smallest - hurricane, typhoon, tropical cyclone, tornado?
115. Who invented the mercury thermometer?
116. In India winter rainfall is locally known as____
117. What ind of crops in India required the winter rainfall for its better cultivation?
118. Around the time of nonsoon arrival, the normal rainfall increases suddenly and continues constantly for several days. What is the term used to indicate this phenomenon?
119. The Arabian Sea branch of South West monsoon reaches Mumbai about ten days later on its entering into India. Identify the approximate date?
120. A striking feature of the hot weather season is the strong, gusty, hot, dry winds blowing during the day over the north and north western India. What is the name of the phenomenon?
121. Which season of India is known as the Transition season?
122. Name the wind blows over south India during summer and gives rainfall in the Kerala and Karnataka coast.
123. Name the thunder showers and hailstorms occuring in West Bengal and Assam
124. In Karnataka mango showers are otherwise called.
125. Which season is called as 'Edavappathi' in Kerala?
126. Which season in Kerala is called as Thulavarsham?
127. During which period of time the western side of the Western Ghats gets heavy rainfall?
128. Why rainfall availability is very low during north east mansoon season?
129. Western coastal plain receives more than 200 cm rainfall. What is the major factor influencing on its?
130. Which is the highest rainfall receiving region in India?
131. Name the place where heavy rainfall is received in India
132. What kind of a natural vegetation is there in region where the rainfall is more thatn 200 cm
133. Name the natural vegetation, where have a rainfall is between 70cm and 200 cm.
134. Thorny and shrub vegetations are seen in a region of ___ cm rainfall
135. In which natural vegetation Rosewood and Mahogany are seen?
136. Identify the natural vegetation where have the species like Teak and Sandalwood are seen?
137. Acacia is a tree found in which natural vegetation?
138. Which is the natural vegetation where the species Sundari can be seen?
139. Which among the following is not a plant belongs to Mountain forests? *Oak, *Silver Fir, *Kikar, *Birch
140. Which among the following is correct in the case of Punjab? *Heavy rainfall, *Moderate rainfall, *Poor rainfall, *Birch
141. What is the major reason for practising tan irrigation in the Peninsular India?
142. Which one among the following cities never get the vertical rays of the sun through out the year? *Srinagar, *Chennai, *Mumbai, *Kolkata
143. 'El Nino' is an abnormally warm ocean current affect on Indian climate. Identify the season in which it affect?
144. Which climatic phenomenon in India is associated with Jet streams?
145. Why the summer monsoon winds blow from south-western direction in the northern hemisphere?
146. In which part of India where the Eastern Ghats and the western ghats meet?
147. Most of the Topography of Manipur is____
148. The name of the coast of Tamil Nadu and Andhra Pradesh is
149. Which branch of mansoon brings rainfall in West Bengal occurs due to summer monsoon by
150. Mc. Mohan Line demarcates the boundry between
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