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Vocabulary Words - 13

Vocabulary Words - 13

1. LIBELOUS (ADJECTIVE): derogatory

Synonyms: defamatory, contumelious Antonyms: complimentary, praising
Example Sentence:
The Partner will be solely responsible for ensuring that materials posted on their web site are not libelous or otherwise illegal.


Synonyms: frightened, scared Antonyms: brave, calm
Example Sentence:
A hen-hearted fellow has been put forward as the candidate to fight an election against a well established candidate of other party.

3. INSCRUTABLE (ADJECTIVE): hidden, mysterious; blank

Synonyms: enigmatic, unfathomable Antonyms: clear, understandable
Example Sentence:
The killer left no clues, and the murder remains an inscrutable mystery.

­­ 4. MOAN (NOUN): groan, complaint

Synonyms: wail, whine Antonyms: be happy, approve
Example Sentence:
The trouble is that we always moan about the weather, over which we don’t have any control.

5. GRAVELY (ADVERB): very much; desperately

Synonyms: deeply, severely Antonyms: lightly, calmly
Example Sentence:
This was gravely disconcerting for the monarchy as an institution, or a business, if you like.

6. ODYSSEY (NOUN): journey

Synonyms: adventure, excursion
Example Sentence:
Out of the total 26 scientists selected for the training only four will be lucky enough to go for the space odyssey.

7. PREMONITION (ADJECTIVE): feeling that an event is about to occur

Synonyms: foreboding, hunch Antonyms: knowledge, trust
Example Sentence:
It is said that neither wild nor domestic animals appear to have any premonition of death.

8. SOBRIETY (NOUN): abstinence

Synonyms: moderation, soberness Antonyms: wildness, intemperance
Example Sentence:
There are over 3,000 groups throughout the country dedicated to helping those with a serious alcohol problem so that they can achieve sobriety.

9. PRESCIENT (ADJECTIVE): perceptive

Synonyms: farsighted, judicious Antonyms: shortsighted, imperceptive
Example Sentence:
In India, you can find many saints in the Himalayan region who can be called as prescient.

10. MOONSHINE (NOUN): illegally distilled alcohol

Synonyms: hooch, bootleg
Example Sentence:
In 1933 Rutherford dismissed the talk of atomic power as 'moonshine'.

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