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Computer Knowledge Practice Questions And Answers - 37

Computer Knowledge Practice Questions And Answers - 37
1. Artifact based authentication method includes___

(1) Machine readable badges
(2) Electronic smart cards
(3) Both 1 and 2
(4) Vault cards
(5) None of these

2. What is the memory from 1K-640K called?

(1) Extended memory
(2) Normal memory
(3) Low memory
(4) Conventional memory
(5) None of these

3. Which of the following is a variation of frequency division multiplexing (FDM)?

(1) Time Division Multiplexing (TDM)
(2) Pulse Code Multiplexing (PCM)
(3) Wave length Division Multiplexing (WDM)
(4) All the above
(5) None of these

4. Race condition occur in which flip-flop?

(1) RS flip-flop
(2) JK flip-flop
(3) D flip-flop
(4) T flip-flop
(5) None of these

5. Denial of Service (DoS) is _______.

(1) a firewall technique for blocking access to certain logical ports.
(2) an act of bombarding a server with high volumes of false requests.
(3) the malicious destruction of data by accessing the host's FAT table.
(4) a policy of withholding service from users who abuse the Internet.
(5) None of these

6. ____________ is a process that permits multiple computers to use the same IP address and hide their actual IP addresses from the Internet.

(1) Routing
(2) Network address translation (NAT)
(3) Signature referencing
(4) Packet filtering
(5) IP filtering

7. Dynamic addressing makes it more difficult for hackers to find likely victims because _______.

(1) the ISP assigns counterfeit IP addresses.
(2) the IP address is protected by a firewall.
(3) the ISP hides the IP addresses for computers on their network.
(4) the IP address changes each time a user logs on to their ISP.
(5) None of these

8. A macro virus is a virus that _______.

(1) does not rely on a host file.
(2) is attached to a document file.
(3) loads into memory when the computer first starts.
(4) provides access to macros on the computer.
(5) None of these

9. ____________ computing is an efficient way of linking many computers together, when they are not otherwise in use, to utilize their capacity to perform complex calculations.

(1) Remote
(2) Grid
(3) Functional
(4) Automated
(5) Manual

10. Which of the following features would be more likely to be found in tablet computers than in other mobile computing devices?

(1) Wireless ports
(2) Internet access
(3) Disk storage
(4) Handwriting recognition
(5) USB port

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