QNo. 1 - The Information Technology Act in India was passed in the year
[A] 2000
[B] 2001
[C] 2002
[D] 2003
QNo. 2 - The Information Technology Act is being opposed mainly by
[A] Infosys
[B] Save and Soul
[C] Save your Voice
[D] Wipro
QNo. 3 - The Information technology Act 2000 has been substantially amended through the
[A] IT (Amendment) Act 2008
[B] IT Act 2008
[C] IT Regulatory Act 2008
[D] IT Regulatory (Amendment) 2008
QNo. 4 - Information technology Act 2000 consisted of _____ sections segregated into ______ chapters
[A] 106 and 12
[B] 94 and 13
[C] 75 and 16
[D] 89 and 10
QNo. 5 - Which of the following is not defined in any legislation in India?
[A] Cyber Crime
[B] Civil Crime94 and 13
[C] Consumer Rights
[D] Religious Rights
QNo. 6 - The United Nations Commission on International Trade Law (UNCITRAL) adopted the Model Law on e-commerce in
[A] 1996
[B] 1998
[C] 1999
[D] 2000
QNo. 7 - The first legislation in the nation on technology, computers and e-commerce and e-communication
[A] IT (Amendment) Act 2008
[B] IT Act 2000
[C] IT Regulatory Act 2000
[D] IT Regulatory (Amendment) 2008
QNo. 8 - The phrases 'Communication devices' and 'Cyber Cafe' were inserted in the
[A] IT Act 2000
[B] ITAA 2008
[C] ITAA 2010
[D] ITAA 2011
QNo. 9 - 'Indian Computer response Emergency Team' was included in the
[A] IT Act 2000
[B] ITAA 2008
[C] ITAA 2010
[D] ITAA 2011
QNo. 10 - Which is known as the 'authentication of electronic record'
[A] IP Address
[B] Port
[C] Hollogram
[D] Digital Signature
QNo. 11 - Section 3 which was originally 'Digital Signature' was later renamed as _______ in ITAA 2008
[A] Digital Signature and Electronic Signature
[B] Digital Signature and Finger Print
[C] Digital Signature and Bio Metric
[D] None of these
QNo. 12 - IT Act which deals with penalties and compensation for damages to computer, computer system etc
[A] Section 12
[B] Section 27
[C] Section 43
[D] Section 64
QNo. 13 - Tampering with source documents is dealt with under which section
[A] Section 65
[B] Section 27
[C] Section 43
[D] Section 64
QNo. 14 - Computer related offences are dealt with under which section
[A] Section 65
[B] Section 66
[C] Section 48
[D] Section 69
QNo. 15 - Privacy violation i.e. Publishing or transmitting private area of any person without his or her consent etc. comes under
[A] Section 65-A
[B] Section 66-B
[C] Section 65-D
[D] Section 66-E
QNo. 16 - Cyber terrorism
[A] Section 65-A
[B] Section 65-D
[C] Section 66-E
[D] Section 66-F
QNo. 17 - Section 67 of IT Act deals with Publishing or Transmitting
[A] obscene material in electronic form
[B] obscene material in photo form
[C] electronic form in obscene material
[D] None of these
QNo. 18 - The power of intercepting, monitoring and blocking something for which the Government is represented by a national nodal agency as nominated in Section 70B of ITAA. The agency is named as
[A] Indian Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT)
[B] Indian Computer Spyware Responsive System(ICSRS)
[C] National Computer Agency against Malpractice(NCAM)
[D] None of these
QNo. 19 - Critical Information Infrastructure and Protected System have been discussed in Section
[A] Section 69
[B] Section 70
[C] Section 71
[D] Section 75
QNo. 20 - Liability of Intermediaries and the concept of Due Diligence has been discussed in
Thanks for your great guidance..