1. SENSORY (ADJECTIVE): affecting animate nerve organs
Synonyms: audiovisual, sensual Antonyms: chaste, mental
Example Sentence:
Babies always enjoy bright colors, moving objects and pleasant sounds as they are all forms of sensory stimulation.
2. ARTIFICE (NOUN): hoax; clever act
Synonyms: contrivance, gimmick Antonyms: honesty, candor
Example Sentence:
Mrs. Sharma had to use various artifices to get her children to eat their vegetables.
Synonyms: admiration, approval Antonyms: disfavor, opposition
Example Sentence:
The crowd was filled with approbation when the Indian cricket team won the final match.
4. WISTFUL (ADJECTIVE): daydreaming, longing
Synonyms: dreamy, contemplative Antonyms: cheerful, joyful
Example Sentence:
All the boys who had been dropped from the football team were wistfully watching their teammates getting ready for the match.
5. RECLUSIVE (ADJECTIVE): unsociable
Synonyms: cloistered, isolated Antonyms: sociable, gregarious
Example Sentence:
The famous artist always wanted to live a reclusive life.
6. DISPARATE (ADJECTIVE): at odds, different
Synonyms: contrasting, dissimilar Antonyms: like, same
Example Sentence:
Bringing all the disparate parts of the college together under one single complex will bring obvious logistical, financial and academic benefits.
7. SKYLIGHT (NOUN): framework with pane
Synonyms: aperture, casement Antonyms: closure, solid
Example Sentence:
The main aim of windows and skylights in a house is to get clean air and sunlight inside.
8. ARCANE (ADJECTIVE): hidden, secret
Synonyms: esoteric, impenetrable Antonyms: common, known
Example Sentence:
The topic is a bit arcane, and takes some explaining to get readers up to speed to appreciate it.
9. HUSKY (ADJECTIVE): deep, scratchy in sound
Synonyms: gruff, hoarse Antonyms: soft, low
Example Sentence:
Lisa Marie is a solid singer with plenty of character in her husky voice.
10. MYRIAD (ADJECTIVE): innumerable
Synonyms: countless, infinite Antonyms: countable, limited
Example Sentence:
The country was still marked by extremes of wealth and poverty, and by myriad social conflicts.