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Vocabulary Words - 11

Vocabulary Words - 11

1. BEVY (NOUN): swarm

Synonyms: assembly, cluster Antonyms: individual, one
Example Sentence:
You can't win without a bevy of match winners.

2. INDIGENCE (NOUN): poorness

Synonyms: destitution, penury Antonyms: wealth
Example Sentence:
The hope was that a few would find their imagination sparked and would break away from the indigence into which they had been born.

3. PROTRACT (VERB): extend, draw out

Synonyms: prolong, put off Antonyms: complete, finish.
Example Sentence:
The court case was so protracted that one of the judges died of old age. ­­

4. VOLUBLE (ADJECTIVE): talkative

Synonyms: chatty, loquacious Antonyms: quiet, silent
Example Sentence:
One or two glasses of wine made him voluble and three made him bellicose, sentimental and sometimes slurred.

5. NASCENCE (NOUN): birth

Synonyms: beginning, commencement Antonyms: completion, finish
Example Sentence:
Unjust regimes such as the Taliban should be dealt with in their nascence.

6. QUACK (ADJECTIVE): counterfeit

Synonyms: dissembling, fake Antonyms: genuine, sincere
Example Sentence:
A quack doctor who was virtually illiterate, Joseph Healey was one of the main leaders of the parliamentary reform movement in Lancashire.

7. RABID (ADJECTIVE): very angry; maniacal vv Synonyms: fanatical, fervent Antonyms: apathetic, disinterested
Example Sentence:
Most attacks have been carried out by rabid animals.

8. ADAGE (NOUN): saying or proverb

Synonyms: axiom, aphorism
Example Sentence:
"Honesty is the best policy" is an adage from the olden times.

9. PRECURSOR (NOUN): something that indicates outcome or event beforehand

Synonyms: harbinger, forerunner Antonyms: result
Example Sentence:
A sore throat is often the precursor of a cold.

10. SACERDOTAL (ADJECTIVE) : religious

Synonyms: priestly, apostolic Antonyms: irreligious, profane
Example Sentence:
In this postmodern free-for-all it is hard to envision much of a sacerdotal role for the literary scholar.

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