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Vocabulary Words - 2

Vocabulary Words - 2

1. BUDGE (VERB): dislodge from staid position
Synonyms: bend, change Antonyms: remain, prevent
Example Sentence:
The administration refused to budge on calling a spade a spade.

2. WAIF (NOUN): lost or unclaimed person or thing
Synonyms: castaway, orphan
Example Sentence:
The day had been fixed on which Monta sir, Waif and several other Turkish generals were to be assassinated.

3. CARTEL (NOUN): group which shares business interest
Synonyms: conglomerate, corporation Antonyms: separate, single
Example Sentence:
And that conglomerate also owns nearly 70 percent of the Rossing uranium mine in Namibia. ­­

4. CERTITUDE (NOUN): sureness
Synonyms: assurance, conviction Antonyms: uncertainty, doubt
Example Sentence:
At first, Weiner wasn't even able to say "with certitude" whether or not the photo in question was of him.

5. CODICIL (VERB): added part to document
Synonyms: addendum, supplement Antonyms: reduction, subtraction
Example Sentence:
Unfortunately, Whitaker never got to discuss the third codicil with Mrs. Astor or see her sign it.

6. NOXIOUS (ADJECTIVE) : deadly, injurious
Synonyms: corrupting, fetid Antonyms: healthy, helpful
Example Sentence:
The mother of one of our childhood friends believed that too much television has a noxious influence on the personality development of children, so we hardly ever watched TV in her home.

7. PERFIDY (NOUN): treachery
Synonyms: betrayal, falseness Antonyms: fidelity, faithfulness
Example Sentence:
It was the dacoits' natural perfidy that finally landed them in jail, as each one became an informant on the other.

8. PROPOUND (VERB): propose
Synonyms: broach, proffer Antonyms: deny, disapprove
Example Sentence:
Two minutes of consultation with Wikipedia shattered the theory you propounded.

9. MEMOIR (NOUN): record of experiences
Synonyms: chronicle, journal Antonyms: ignorance
Example Sentence:
His most recent book is a memoir, The Autobiography of an Execution.

10. LEER (NOUN): look at longingly
Synonyms: stare, smirk Antonyms: ignore, neglect
Example Sentence:
Two friends walking on the street passed a homeless man, but didn't give him money so he gave them a leer look.

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