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Current Affair Events - 01 Jul 2015

Current Affair Events -  01 Jul 2015

China's Standing Committee of the NPC passed National Security Law

The law covers a wide spectrum of areas including defense, finance, science and technology, culture and religion.

Registrar General of India released Census data on disabled population

The data gives the number of households having disabled persons by type of households including normal, institutional and houseless households.

Greece became first developed nation to default on IMF debt

Greece became a defaulter after it rejected the proposal given by the troika to raise its primary surplus within two years, which required pension and tax reforms.

Matti Makkonen, pioneer of SMS technology, died

This Finnish tech pioneer pitched the idea of SMS messaging to two colleagues in a pizzeria while at a telecommunications conference in 1984.

Prime Minister launched Digital India Week to spread awareness about Digital India Programme

The Department of Electronics & Information Technology (DeitY) is the nodal agency for implementing the Digital India Programme.

More than 20 killed in Darjeeling as heavy rain triggered landslides

Heavy rain led to twenty-five landslides in Darjeeling, Kalimpong and Kurseong sub-divisions of Darjeeling district of West Bengal.

Greece crisis and its Impact on India

Greece’s default on its payments and resultant weakening of the euro will have indirect effect on the India’s economy.

AMRUT, Smart Cities Mission and Housing for All to rejuvenate urban infrastructure

Prime Minister Narendra Modi launched the three schemes on 25 June 2015 in New Delhi.

30 June 2015 clocked one second longer with a leap second added to clocks worldwide

In India, the leap second was added to atomic clocks after 05:29:59 by scientists at the Time and Frequency Standards Laboratory (TFSL), New Delhi.

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